The uridan hygiene system

Simple, Fast & Effective

Spray on uriCLEAN
and polish with uriCLOTH.

Pour 0,3 l uriLOCK directly
over the cover every 3 months.

Rinse with
4 times a year.

Step 1

Spray on uriCLEAN
and polish with uriCLOTH.

Step 2

Pour 0,3 l uriLOCK
directly over the cover every 3 months.

Step 3

Clean 4 times a year

With less costs and less effort.

Daily cleaning+
uridan can be cleaned very simply with the aid of uriCLEAN. Simply spray the urinal surface with uriCLEAN and the lotus effect prevents any adhesion of urine drops, causing them to simply roll off.
we recommend cleaning the
urinal several times a day.

Spray uriCLEAN daily
on the cover and surface
he urinal.

Polish the outer and inner
surface of the urinal with the
uriCLOTH cleaning cloth.

Every 2 Weeks
Polish the outer and inner
surface of the urinal with the
uriCLOTH cleaning cloth.

blocking fluid from uridan

Refilling +
Our patented biodegradable blocking fluid uriLOCK, ensures that your uridan urinal remains completely odourless, operating without the need for costly mats, sealants, inserts or chemical additives.
uriTABS deep cleaner
to ensure your urinal works smoothly.

Pour uriLOCK (300 ml) blocking
fluid directly over the cover.
Refill after 15,000 uses or latest
after 3 months.

Maintenance +
Deep cleaner is ideal for heavy and persistent dirt and deposits in sanitary areas and also removes lime and urine scale.
Recommended application is 4 times per year.
over the cover!

Lift cover with
suction device.

Pour 200 ml of uriSTRONG or one
uriTABS tablet directly
into urinal and leave it for 5 to 15 min.*
*In case of heavy soiling
and blockages leave
uriSTRONG/uriTABS over night!

Flush (fast pour) with 5 litres
of warm water to ensure
waste trap clears.

Clean the inside of the
waste trap and urinal
opening with a brush.

Flush again
with water.

Fill the water to the
point of overflow and
insert the cover.

Pour uriLOCK (300 ml)
blocking fluid over the cover.